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Upcoming Event Notice

  • The Clovis Democratic Club meets on the third Thursday of every month. The meeting occurs at the Denny's Restaurant on Shaw at Willow in Clovis. We start assembling at 5:30pm and the meeting starts at 6:00pm. Come out and support your party! Changes in the way we do business as a Nation must start on the block's of American neighborhoods if those changes are to succeed!

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December 18, 2006


for all nations

bryan...i sent letters immediately to the board of trustees and president welty concerning my vigorous disapproval of naming any portion of the campus after table mountain, or ANY tribe--including picayune rancheria of the chukchansi indians--which violates the human and civil rights of its own people...


Just stopped by to wish you a Merry Christmas, and to let you know I am still praying for you and your cause.

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