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  • The Clovis Democratic Club meets on the third Thursday of every month. The meeting occurs at the Denny's Restaurant on Shaw at Willow in Clovis. We start assembling at 5:30pm and the meeting starts at 6:00pm. Come out and support your party! Changes in the way we do business as a Nation must start on the block's of American neighborhoods if those changes are to succeed!

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  • Check out what O. Pechanga has to say!

  • news and information from the Pechanga disenrolled members.

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February 19, 2007



Thank you Bryan. I have linked your blog to my blog. Good luck in your fight.

for all nations

all my relations...

one comment...indian people throughout california, please remember this is not "your" fight or "my"'s OUR fight!

california tribal governments who have violated the tribal, civil, and human rights of their people--whether table mountain, pechanga, picayune, enterprise, redding rancheria, santa rosa tachi, or any of the MANY others doing so here in california--all need to be brought to the attention of congress, federal/state courts, and the general public in EVERY way possible...

whether moritoriumized, disenrolled, oppressed within one's tribe, etc.--we ALL fight the same fight for standing TOGETHER we will reach our common goal--to preserve our indian legacy and to prevent destruction of our elders, our culture, and our future generations in any way at the hands of corrupt tribal governments driven by greed...what they CHOOSE to engage in is not the traditional indian way of any indian community...

corrupt tribal governments who seek to destroy their own kin must be revealed...they assert power only by our ALLOWING our people remaing silent as victims...


for all nations


My brother, I love you and I am praying for you, but don't forget that some day there will come justice for all, from the Great white throned judgement,where the books shall be opened,and no lie shall stand!But this mother of an arapahoe man-child doesn't think it will be that long for those who oppose you to be found out!

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