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April 19, 2007


A Friend of the Disenrolled

The Native American Caucus is well aware of the problem of its fellow Native Americans being unfairly expelled from their tribes, some of them the richest gaming tribes in the State of California.

Last month representatives from AIRRO, the American Indian Rights and Resourses Organization, attended the California Democratic convention and they presented a resolution supporting strengthening enforcement of the Indian Civil Rights Act.

The convention wouldn't let the resolution be sent to the full convention unless it was approved by the Native American Caucus first.

Well, there were some Pechanga officials there and somehow, even though most people present at the caucus meeting likely would have supported the resolution, the caucus members were not allowed to vote on it.

Despite the fact that presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich received a standing ovation when he spoke out against disenrollment, the resolution was still tabled at the caucus.

Why was the resolution to support enforcement of the Indian Civil Rights Act tabled?

Did tainted money talk once again?

for all nations

just some clarification...

the resolution in question was authored by steve haze, vice chair of the fresno democratic central committee and laura wass, a well know native american activist and one who has the love of all our people in her heart...

it was presented by steve, and by robert edwards, also a native american activist...and supported in presence and prayer by many, many indian people and our supporters throughout california indian country and beyond...

the resolution covers bringing all indian people home to their tribes--not just those who have been disenrolled, but the non-recognized, the moratoriumized, and those violated in other ways by their tribal governments as well...

as a speaker at the native american caucus, presidential candidate dennis kucinich was not alone in his condemnation of the civil rights violations occurring here in california--congresswoman diane watson was very outspoken as well in her cause to uphold the rights of native people being violated by their corrupt tribal governments in membership disputes as well...

NOW is the time to call, write, email, fax and otherwise contact your congressional representitives, your BIA officials, your state legislative representatives--EVERYONE you can think of-- concerning the violations occurring in indian country...

working together, we CAN--and WILL--obtain justice for those of our people being violated...

for all nations


More and more stories are getting out. My latest blog on sovereignty has already been picked up by one blog:

Take a look. Native Unity will also pick it up as will Paulina Hunter's blog:

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