Our failure President and his puppeteer Vice President have once again proven to be just what they are: men who don't believe that the American people have what it takes to make a decision about their decisions.
The latest news from the White House concerns the President and VP making every effort to block the public from finding out who they are meeting with, even at the VP's residence. Why do we need to know you may wonder? The answer is that the highest offices in American should not feel comfortable meeting with anyone they want and then hiding that information from us. This is how we start that slippery slide from a democracy to a facist state.
The Bush administration has made every effort to make its every move a secret from the public, which is understandable when you consider that most of their actions have been illegal, lies or cover-ups for their illegal lies. What is more disturbing is the fact that no one in this country seems to be upset enough to demand accountability from these two men. It sickens me to think about how many people have died under their spread of "Democracy," using the same tactics as the former USSR and the NAZI regimes of the past.
The USSR and the NAZI's you ask? Yes, look at their record. The Bush administration has actively used the "rendition" program to snatch people up off the street for torture. They have invaded two countries, one of which was under false pretenses and has led to the deaths of tens of thousands of people. They have been spying on Americans without warrants, wiretapping phones, reading emails, harassing dissident points of view and who knows what else, all to protect their illegal activities.
I am asking anyone that reads this blog to call on their Congressman to impeach Bush and Cheney. We need to set a precedent that says we won't tolerate this kind of behavior any longer. We, as Americans must stand up for what's right here at home too. Our future will depend upon our actions today.