I recently read a story concerning comments made by Charles "Cully" Stimpson, the Department of Defense Assistant Secretary for Detainee Affairs that have made me question the very origin of the people in charge of the Republican Party.
Charles "Cully" Stimson, appointed a year ago into a position that shouldn't even exist, used the fifth anniversary of the Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, detention center this month to blast away at law firms providing free legal representation to prisoners
In a radio interview he rattled off a list of major U.S. law firms, saying it is "shocking" that their attorneys "are out there representing detainees." Then he made what can only be described as a thinly veiled threat. Corporate CEOs, he said, are "going to make those law firms choose between representing terrorists or representing reputable firms."
Those are pretty strong words to use against the only members of the American public who are actually fulfilling there duty to uphold the American ideals, unlike the Nazi-mentality of the Bush Administration. Of course, that could be a little harsh of an analogy, so I'll tone it down to Nazi-light, they don't kill them after rounding them up, they just hold them forever with no hope of going home, even after they've been found innocent by the kangaroo courts in Guantanamo.
I would truly appreciate the poetic justice in all of this if the Democratic Congress would apply the same measures of admissible evidence to be used in impeachment hearings against Bush and Cheney. Those would be world record hearings for the speed at which Bush would get fired in disgrace as he so rightly deserves with the evidence amassed against him during the past six years:
- Reports weapons of mass destruction in Iraq to Congress and the UN to force military agenda for cronie industry pals who were given illegal no-bid contracts for support services.
- After discovery of no wmd's, Bush reports the invasion was actually to spread democracy, in a way that Communist Russia would recognize from decades past-invade a country to spread your ideology.
- Osama who? Bush was caught on tape flat out admitting that he didn't consider Osama to be a threat and that he didn't give him any thought. Well of course he didn't. Bush has his own bedroom in the Bin Laden palace in Saudi Arabia. He NEVER intended to catch Osama and he never will before his term is up.
- Do I have to cover the hundreds of billions of dollars wasted by military contractors, the ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS FACT that oil companies were receiving subsidies from the federal government at the same time that companies like Exxon were profiting $80,000 per second from American consumers, or the fiasco drug bill that Bush made sure the public would be screwed on by preventing lower prices from being bid on and stopping Americans from purchasing prescriptions for 80% less in Canada or Mexico.
Wait, isn't this supposed to be a FREE MARKET SOCIETY? It's more like a predatory society where the corporate elite prey on the middle class and lower for what little money they have and when they aren't getting enough, they buy a President who will give them what they asked for: a closed society that is forced to suffer economic injustice at the hands of the corporate overseers.
The fact that Bush continues to appoint leaders in his government like Chucky "Cully" Stimpson who apparently doesn't believe in our legal system and the American way only shows that Bush needs to be fired even more so. The country and the world need him to retire so it can heal from all the damage he has done.